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This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market manager.

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Market open

Hey there,

Market is open for ordering….


Field Check - good news

Just came in from the back field and have some good news to share. A number of our Crimson Sweet watermelons will be ready to go on Wednesday. Don’t worry, Bob and Anita, I’ll make sure your name is on a couple of them!


Market Open

Hi Friends,

The online market is now open for ordering. In addition to the quantities listed here, we should have a few additional melons and plenty of tomatoes for you to select off the table when you come to pick up. Eggs and a few watermelons should also be on the table Wednesday. Hope to see you!

Bob & Lynnita

Green beans by the bushel

I forgot to mention that we also have three bushels of beautiful Blue Lake stringless green beans available for any of you tat would like to do some canning. Only $65 per bushel. You can email me at or call and leave a message at 304-655-7389 to reserve.


Market open

The cantaloupe has ripened! Three weeks later than last year, but here at last. We will also have a selection of beautiful tomatoes for you to pick from the table this week. Hope to see you Wednesday.

Bob & Lynnita

Market is open

Hi Folks,

The market is now open for pre-orders. Please note that we will have some items on the table that are on our list this week, but showing quantities of zero. Please do not try to pre-order things with a zero quantity. I listed them so you would know what we might have in addition to other things on our list so that you can add them when you come to pick up. We also have eggs this week.

Thank you for your prayers for my upcoming surgery. I am tentatively scheduled for Thursday but need to squeeze in a cardiologist clearance before then so it can take place. We are making an effort to get this done on Monday or Tuesday, but the schedule is not up to me.

Bob & Lynnita

Special announcement

Dear Friends,

I finally have an intake appointment for surgery to repair the inguinal hernia I have been coping with for over a year. Unfortunately it coincides with this week’s market. Therefore, I will not be accepting any pre-orders this week, but the market will be held as scheduled from 4 to 6 on Wednesday. Please come and make your selections off the tables. Our regular vendors will be there, and if my appointment concludes and allows me to stock the table, I will be there too. I am hoping that they can get me in right away for surgery, so if I don’t see you Wednesday I solicit you prayers for a successful outcome.


Special announcement

Dear Friends,

I finally have an intake appointment for surgery to repair the inguinal hernia I have been coping with for over a year. Unfortunately it coincides with this week’s market. Therefore, I will not be accepting any pre-orders this week, but the market will be held as scheduled from 4 to 6 on Wednesday. Please come and make your selections off the tables. Our regular vendors will be there, and if my appointment concludes and allows me to stock the table, I will be there too. I am hoping that they can get me in right away for surgery, so if I don’t see you Wednesday I solicit you prayers for a successful outcome.


Market open

Midsummer stuff is all here and along with what we have listed online we will also have some things on the table for you to pick out. Some sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes and a selection of sweet and hot peppers will be available. Tom has some beautiful green beans,summer squash and blueberries, and we will be joined this week by Tonia Johnson with her blends of locally bottled Vanilla.

Hope to see you Wednesday,

Market open for orders

Good morning,

We have a few additional things for the market this week and it seems we will have some tomatoes for the table on Wednesday. Stay cool and have a good week.

Bob& Lynnita