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Market Open!

Howdy All,

We have some great fresh veggies for you this week to help you detox from all of the gastronomic goriness you may have exposed yourself to with weekend festivities.

Lots of good broccoli available this week; did you know that it contains more vitamin C than oranges? Just the stuff to bolster the immune system for the colder weather coming on.

Our first freeze is predicted for Wednesday morning, and along with it will come the end of our pepper harvest. We are not concerned by this, because with every weather change on a diversified farm we experience both bad effects…and blessings. The frost will sweeten our Kale and Brussels Sprouts(coming on soon) and the rest of our cabbage and broccoli crop will also gain a taste benefit. It also brings an end to some of the pernicious summer weeds that have thrived during our mild October, greatly simplifying my work load.

We expect a full slate of vendors this week, bringing you the best products available in our region.

Bob & Lynnita

Market open

Hi Friends,

We have molasses on our minds with the festival last week so Lynnita is going to make a batch of Molasses Oat Bread. We also have some Broccoli added to our list, and the muffins this week will be made with our fresh harvest of Sunshine Kabocha, the most delicious of the winter squash we grow.

Melody will be back at the market this week, along with Tom and his superb sweet potatoes. Kenny will be furnishing some wonderful greens,turnips and more, and Circle S Farms will also be here.

Hope to see you!

Bob & Lynnita

Market Open


Ordering is now enabled for this week’s market. Lots of lettuce available this week, with our new crop of broccoli coming soon. Time to order your potatoes for storage; we have naturally grown half bushels for $25.

We are taking Mom to the airport for her return home on Wednesday morning, so Lynnita will not be baking this week.

Bob & Lynnita

Market Open

Hi All,

Blessings on this beautiful day. Market is now open and we hope to see you this week. Lettuce is back on the menu!

Bob and Lynnita

Market open

We have some excitement in our house this week……… my 92 year old mom is flying in for a visit from California to spend a couple of weeks with us and meet her great-grandkids! I am so grateful that she still has her health and is courageous enough to make the trip. Our market will continue as scheduled and we hope that you come out and get a chance to meet “DJ”.

Bob & Lynnita

Market Open

Offerings are a little slim this week, but there is good news too. Lynnita is baking this week, Melody will be back with her awesome baked goods, Tom has added sweet potatoes to his fare, Kenny has some fall greens and mushrooms, and the C&S trailer will be back again. Hope to see you Wednesday.

Bob and Lynnita

Beans for canning by the bushel

Hi Friends,

The girls harvested 3 bushels of beautiful, natural, chemical free, stringless green beans yesterday, Blue Lake and Provider varieties. If anyone wants some for canning please email or call me. I want to offer them to our customers first, but we will be posting to a wider audience later today to try and move them. $45 per bushel to our subscribed customers, $55 to others.


Market Open

Hi Friends,

The market is open for this week.
Lots of green beans for you in the mix of offerings. We have some family business to attend to this week, but Lynnita’s baked goods will be back on the list for the following week.

Bob & Lynnita

Market open.......

Hi Friends,

It is an exhausting time of year for us as we clean up most of our summer crops and replant for fall. Lots of new things are started and in the ground to carry our harvests in to early winter.

Our late planted green beans are on our list this week and we also have a new item. I planted a small amount of the petite Caribou Russet potato variety this year to see if we can grow a russet type without scab. It worked! If you try these I would appreciate your feedback to see if I should grow more next year. These are like new potatoes, with delicate skins and the short season didn’t allow them to size well, but they taste great!

Happy (and healthy) eating,
Bob & Lynnita

Ordering open

Hi neighbors,

Wishing all of you a happy Labor Day weekend. We have a special deal for you this week; Dutch Cut Montauk Sweet Corn. All the wet weather last week pushed all of our corn crop to ripen at once and we are offering you a special deal so we can move it quickly. We will Dutch Cut the ears (see the photo on the ordering page) to reduce storage space and to pre-prep them for freezing should you choose to do so. We are offering this corn in 10 lb. bags (equivalent to about a dozen full ears) for $4 per bag. A great deal for you and a good opportunity for you to put some in the freezer for a nice late-winter meal.

Lynnita will be baking this week, so we have bread and muffins for you, too.

Bob And Lynnita