Berea Gardens is a family owned Farm and Agriculture Training Center located in Calhoun County, West Virginia. A combination of open field, high and low tunnel production allows us to provide a wide range of produce throughout the year.

The Market Managers have temporarily disabled ordering at this market.


Fruit (3)
Beets (3)
Celery (1)
Chinese Cabbage (1)
Corn (1)
Garlic (2)
Kale (2)
Melon (1)
Okra (1)
Onions (6)
Squash (10)

Chinese Cabbage

Search entire market by all or part of product name:
Cabbage - Chinese Joi Choi
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( each )
Available (Exact): 0

The best of the Pak Chois