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This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market manager.

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Reminder - Market Today

Hi Friends,

Just a reminder that the market will be open today from 4 to 6 inside the building. Entrance is in the back. Melody will be here with Chef Tim’s baked goodies, Tom and Connie are coming with potatoes and more, Kenny will be here with kale, mustard greens, collards, turnips, sweet potatoes and winter squash, Melanie will be bringing eggs, The Stoned Goat Homestead folks will be here with processed farm-raised chicken and we will have some awesome kale and Kabocha squash. Come join us!


Fall Market This Week

Hi Friends,

We will be having an indoor market this week (entrance through the rear of our building) at our regular hours from 4 to 6 PM on Wednesday, November 20. Melody will be here with all of her goodies, Kenny will be here with an array of fall greens, turnips, winter squash and more, Melanie will have eggs and we will have some kale and potatoes. No pre-ordering from us this week, but there will be a good selection of stuff on the tables. Hope you can make it!

Bob & Lynnita

Market today and crossroads

Hi Friends,

Our market today will be open from 4 to 6. I have tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers.

Our farm is at a crossroads in terms of where we go for our fall season. I have plenty of transplants in my propagation house, but I am reluctant to set them out because of our drought situation. Most people have no concept of how much water is required to grow quality crops, so here is a little education. Our fall crops of broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, kale, brussels sprouts, etc. require about an inch of water per week, either from rainfall or irrigation. That amounts to over 27,000 gallons of water per acre per week, about the area that we plant for fall. With the minimal rainfall we have had over the past 10 weeks, that has meant that most of the water to irrigate our summer crops has come from our well. Since we have no appreciable rain in the forecast for the foreseeable future and no surface water in our stream I am reluctant to tax my well further to keep transplants going. Another factor is that if I don’t transplant in the next few days, the plants won’t mature before it gets darker and colder resulting in a stunted harvest. We likely will not be doing fall crops this year.

I do have winter squash and potatoes for the fall, but perhaps not much else.

Please pray that our drought breaks. Statistically July is our wettest month here, followed by our driest month in October. Things at this point don’t look promising.

Bob and Lynnita

Market Day

Hi Friends,

I didn’t send a Sunday email this week, but we will have our regular market today. We will have melons, tomatoes, eggplant and sweet peppers on the table today. Hope to see you between 4 and 6.

Bob & Lynnita

Market news for Wednesday

Hi Friends,

I had a very busy week and completed some extensive orthopedic surgery on my Kia. This week I turn my attention to arterial bypass surgery on my Dodge pickup and perhaps a wrist replacement surgery on our Volkswagen…… so, I again will not be opening the store for pre-orders this week, but we have a lot of product that will be available to you at Wednesday’s market. I am including the list of what we will have with this email, but you will notice that all of the items listed show an availability of zero. We actually have pretty large quantities of each item and the zero is simply to prevent inadvertent orders going through the website. Please do not try to order off the website this week. We will have plenty of this stuff on our table for you to pick up.

We have a large quantity of some very good cantaloupe this week and also some of our superb Leelanau Watermelons. These are a very sweet, yellow fleshed variety that I trialed this year and will be adding to our crop list again for next year because they are so good!

Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Bob & Lynnita

Market reminder

Hi Friends,

Just a reminder that the market is today from 4 to 6. We have an eggplant special today for $1 each, the first of our cantaloupes, lots of tomatoes, sweet peppers and celery. The Stoned Goat Homestead is coming with chicken, Melody with her baked goods, and Tom has some beautiful fresh potatoes and other stuff. Come see us.

Bob & Lynnita

Market news

Hi Friends,

Lynnita and I are blessed to have three vehicles, a car for each of us and my old Dodge pickup to use for the big chores. Last week they all came up lame, so this week I am taking off my grower cap and putting on my mechanic and welder’s cap. That said, I will not be taking pre-orders this week, but we will have lots (and lots) of produce for the market this week. I have plenty of tomatoes, eggplant, celery and peppers for everyone and may have a few of our first cantaloupes too. The Stoned Goat Homestead folks have chicken available this week. Please pre-order from them in the next day or so at their Facebook page. We have another beef grower that expects to be at our market on August 10. I will announce it for certain next week. Enjoy the rain and come out to see us Wednesday!

Bob & Lynnita

Market open

Hi Friends,

This week’s market is now open for orders. We will also have some sweet corn and tomatoes on the table this week for add-ons.

Bob & Lynnita

Market Open

Happy Hot Sunday!

The Sweet Corn is ready this week and it is a very nice crop. We will also have some tomatoes on the table for add-ons this week, and perhaps a few sweet peppers too. Summer is here. Can you feel it? I sure can.

Hope to see you Wednesday.
Bob & Lynnita

Market Ordering Enabled

Hi Friends,

Market ordering is enabled for pick ups on Wednesday, the 10th. We have a number of new crops coming along for this week and our other vendors will be back also.

An exciting development is that The Stoned Goat Homestead folks are offering
their farm raised chicken this week. They must have your order by 11 AM Wednesday and you can place an order with them through their Facebook page at
or email them at

Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.

Bob & Lynnita