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Market news for Wednesday

Hi Friends,

I had a very busy week and completed some extensive orthopedic surgery on my Kia. This week I turn my attention to arterial bypass surgery on my Dodge pickup and perhaps a wrist replacement surgery on our Volkswagen…… so, I again will not be opening the store for pre-orders this week, but we have a lot of product that will be available to you at Wednesday’s market. I am including the list of what we will have with this email, but you will notice that all of the items listed show an availability of zero. We actually have pretty large quantities of each item and the zero is simply to prevent inadvertent orders going through the website. Please do not try to order off the website this week. We will have plenty of this stuff on our table for you to pick up.

We have a large quantity of some very good cantaloupe this week and also some of our superb Leelanau Watermelons. These are a very sweet, yellow fleshed variety that I trialed this year and will be adding to our crop list again for next year because they are so good!

Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Bob & Lynnita