The Weblog

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Market news

Hi Friends,

Lynnita and I are blessed to have three vehicles, a car for each of us and my old Dodge pickup to use for the big chores. Last week they all came up lame, so this week I am taking off my grower cap and putting on my mechanic and welder’s cap. That said, I will not be taking pre-orders this week, but we will have lots (and lots) of produce for the market this week. I have plenty of tomatoes, eggplant, celery and peppers for everyone and may have a few of our first cantaloupes too. The Stoned Goat Homestead folks have chicken available this week. Please pre-order from them in the next day or so at their Facebook page. We have another beef grower that expects to be at our market on August 10. I will announce it for certain next week. Enjoy the rain and come out to see us Wednesday!

Bob & Lynnita