Berea Gardens is a family owned Farm and Agriculture Training Center located in Calhoun County, West Virginia. A combination of open field, high and low tunnel production allows us to provide a wide range of produce throughout the year.

The Market Managers have temporarily disabled ordering at this market.

Herbs & Spices

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Herb - Cilantro
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( bunch )
Available (Exact): 0

Wonderful, greenhouse grown and tasty
Herb - Oregano
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( bunch )
Available (Exact): 0

Fresh Classic Oregano
Herb - Parsley
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( bunch )
Available (Exact): 0

Fresh Parsley more
Herb - Rosemary
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( 0 )
Available (Exact): 0

Fresh Rosemary, Tuscan Blue variety
Herb - Thyme
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $2.00 ( bunch )
Available (Exact): 0

Fresh Thyme
Pepper - Dried Whole Cayenne HOT!
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $0.75 ( each )
Available (Exact): 0

Dried, very large, whole Cayenne Pepper
Pepper - Ground Cayenne Pepper HOT!
Grower: Berea Gardens
Price: $5.00 ( 4 oz. )
Available (Exact): 0

Ground organic Cayenne Pepper dehydrated slowly at low temperatures to preserve quality.