The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market manager.
Green Again!!
Hi Folks,
It has been quite a long season of cold, gray and white, but we haven’t just been sitting by the woodstove. I am pleased that the first plantings since the new year are ripening and some are ready for harvest. We have some of the sweetest, most tender kale we have grown (These plants actually went in the ground a few days before our record minus 21 degree low last January,) some very nice, large leaved spinach, and some romaine ready for you this week.
Also, check out the addition of cormeals that we have freshly ground from our own heirloom grain corn varieties. This tasty, heilroom, organic, non-GMO cornmeal is just the thing for great cornbread, grits, polenta or anywhere a recipe calls for cornmeal.
We are happy to be back at your service and are looking forward to nicer weather and the ripening of other crops that are already in the ground. Carrots,
broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are on their way soon.
Our pick-up time is still Wednesday between 4 and 7 PM.