The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market manager.
A little change
Hi Friends,
For the past 54 years (since age 14) the fall has been a very busy time in my agricultural working life. While in high school I worked the almond harvest (with many of my classmates) and in subsequent years it seems that whether I was working in agriculture or horticulture the fall represented a time when there was a flurry of urgent and critical activity.
This year I have decided to take things a little easier. I have not planted my usual large fall garden. We will still keep our market open and I still have things to harvest and share with you, but I will not be doing pre-sales with the online market or be taking any pre-orders by other means. I will still send you a Sunday email with info about some of what we expect to have, what vendors will be here and other things to keep you inspired to come see us on Wednesdays. I want to thank you all for being such good and faithful customers. We intend to keep the market open until Thanksgiving with our other vendors and Kenny has told me he has some crops coming for the fall and will be joining us regularly also. We still look forward to seeing you all on Wednesdays and I fully intend to re-open the online market next spring.
Bob & Lynnita